Let's Try Building Doll Boxes For Amigurumi

by - 7:29 AM

At last, boxes fit for amigurumi 

Well it's here: Time for a change.  Convenient big box stores are put on hold. They used to carry more variety in small shipping box sizes and at a satisfactory price I could shop in-store. Now-a-days costs of shipping materials keep going up.  I have had it. It's time to start constructing custom boxes to fit my amigurumi.  My rough draft designs are going live immediately.  All is takes is patience and to give it your best shot. This is the beginning of ditching the convenience of box stores. Forget their oversized and undersized boxes  My plan is in motion, to handmake a box then protect it with a poly bag.

It's fun, crafty, and one less trip to the store, of course. Perhaps this means I will have a little more branding that shouts, It's handmade!  

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