Helpful Crochet WIP Storage: Clear Containers & Closet Shelves

by - 5:01 PM

  • Do you like shopping at dollar stores for craft storage items? 
  • Do you like to start yarn projects like I do? 

What about the unfinished projects? 

  • Do the projects seem to disappear because you hid them from yourself? 

If you have used bags for storage then perhaps those projects disappear for a long time. Like when I just want to try a pattern out but not commit to finishing it right away, I tuck it away into Never Neverland. 

Then, I started using a few square clear containers that I bought from a dollar store. Meant for use as food containers, you can also use them for storing craft things and projects. They helped keep those smaller recent projects visible, tidy, and contained. If you can fit the lid on then they're stackable. 

I still have many unfinished items stuffed in drawers.  This reminds me to mention another alternative solution, closet organizer shelves. You know the hanging fabric shelves, right? The shoe type and clothing type are all filling up my closets and dedicated to holding unfinished projects.  

As part of my journey of learning I can't seem to stop trying something new as it keeps the other creative juices flowing and it shoots away boredom.

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